Sociology of law
Licence Sciences socialesParcours Sociologie

L1 et L2 de la licence Sciences sociales = tronc commun des parcours Anthropologie sociale et ethnologie, Démographie, Sociologie, Sociologie de l'intervention sociale, des conflits et de la médiation et Ville et environnement


This course introduces students to the sociological analysis of law through a selection of empirical investigations and theoretical works drawn from the field of what in English-speaking countries is known as “law and society”. Students will be immersed in a variety of topics and debates taking place within this field through the in-depth study of key texts which are solely accessible in the English language. Relevant concepts within the field of the sociology of law, such as “legal culture”, “legal mobilization”, “legal field”, “legal (rights) consciousness”, the “making of law” or “gender and judging”, will be critically assessed.

Compétences visées

If you participate actively, you will learn:
how to step out of your comfort zone
how to read a scientific text in English,
how to develop knowledge in a collective and interactive manner,
how to situate yourself within an internationalized academic space,
how to access ways of thinking and doing sociology (of law) which are uniquely available in English,
what a course you take during a semester abroad might look like,
a thing or two about the role of law in society and the way it is studied


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement